Directory & Services
Upload your headshot
Attorneys with headshots get 17x more potential client contacts than those without.
Add your contact information
Potential clients will use this information to contact you, so make sure it’s accurate.
Select your practice area
65% of potential clients say that practice area is the most important factor when choosing an attorney.
Fill out your biography
People like to read biographies. Where did you study, how long have you been working, and what awards and publications?
Ask for peer endorsements
Improve your LLNY ranking by asking for referrals from people in your legal network. You can mark them or create your group for legal assistance or communication.
Solicit reviews from clients
Attorneys with reviews are 10x more likely to be contacted.

Increase clients trust allows you to publish your clients’ reviews.
Add Your Profile
Client will most likely view the featured listings first.
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